Tuesday, December 18, 2012



Well to tell all of you the truth before I came to America I have never been to a buffet before. My first time going almost made me crazy, really I am telling the truth. My host parents, Miles and Nikki and I met each other at the Bilagio. The buffet was held over there, we had to stand in a really long line. There were all kinds of people there, there were Chinese people, Mexicans and a lot more. Everyone was standing in line ready to eat. When we finally got in I saw a lot of people, but mostly a lot of FOOD, you could eat as much as you want, how many times you want. Everything was really delicious. My host brother Miles told me to taste a little bit of everything. I have to say I ate a lot that day I was so stuffed. And yes I had a good night sleep after that :)

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