Saturday, December 8, 2012


Hi there I am back :), so yes I told how Thanksgiving was right???:). Well now I want to share with you how my first experience was with making Roti. Roti is an Surinamese dish. I never made roti before, but on the Independence day of Suriname my host family and I also wanted to celebrate the Independence day. So we decided we would try to make roti together. While my host mom was cooking the curry chicken and the kouseband :) which are beans  :)  Miles and I were busy making the Roti. When we first were finish we waited for a while to bake them, but then.......... uhm well they stick together, we couldn't separate them :) hihih it was so funny. So we had to do it all over again. After we were done, we baked them and it turned out to be a really delicious meal. We all enjoyed it, it was fun making Roti.

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