Tuesday, December 18, 2012



The one thing I really like about Legacy high school is that besides all those math, chemistry and all the other hard classes you can also join a class of your choice. Whether it is a dancing class or a guitar class or even a singing class. So the class of my choice is Glee class. Glee class is all about singing, it is a choir class. In glee class I feel really comfortable and myself, there are only girls in my glee class, because it is girls choir. Everyone treat each other like sisters which is a really nice thing. After practicing Christmas songs for the past six months we finally had a concert. The concert was on December 17th. It was such a wonderful evening, everyone dressed up in their dresses, ready to go on stage, even I was pretty excited. I was really nervous at first, but when we started singing is wouldn't stop I wanted to continue singing, it was my first time on stage and now I get why people say that going on stage to perform is a great thing, now I am looking forward to be going on stage often. Hopefully we will have a another concert really soon. THE GIRLS CHOIR ROCK :D

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