Saturday, December 8, 2012


It has been a while that I haven't been blogging, I am so sorry. I have been really busy with school, my clubs and my volunteer work but I will tell you more about that later. Now I want to tell you about Thanksgiving,.................. well my experience about Thanksgiving. From what I have learned Thanksgiving is one of America's most favorite Holiday. I was in my US history class and all the students were excited about Thanksgiving, they said that it is a day where you can eat a lot and be thankful for it. It was my first time having thanksgiving in America, I was all excited especially about all the delicious food there were going to be. My host mom cooked all these good food, she made crabs, stuffing's, bread pudding, mac and cheese and much more. OMG there was a lot of food. Before we ate we all stood around the table and said what we were thankful for, and I am thankful for this great opportunity as a exchange student, I am thankful for my friends and American family, I am also thankful for my friends, family back home who made me who I am today.


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