Thursday, December 13, 2012



On Sunday December 9th, 2012 my family went out for brunch with my brother Miles and Nikki. We went to this amazing Chinese restaurant called: Ping Pang Pong, if I am not mistaken I already told you about Ping Pang Pong. But just in case, it is the best Chinese restaurant in Las Vegas. We all enjoyed the food, especially the coconut bread, that was really delicious. It was my first time trying it and it was really delicious. After brunch we went home to rest for a while and then we went to the movies. We went to see Lincoln, which was a really interesting movie, it was about president Lincoln who didn't like slavery and wanted to give African American equal rights. It was really interesting and I learned a lot from it. At about 7 o'clock the movie ended and we went to Spring Preserve. The had all these nice Christmas activities for children and even I met Santa :). I went to take a picture with Santa and he asked me what I wished for, I told him that I wanted this year to be really fun, special and exciting, because I am a foreign exchange student. Then he asked me where I was from, so I tried to explain it to him which was funny because most people didn't know where Suriname is. And so I tried to explain it to him, then he said Ow I know where that is, it's in South America. I told him yes, how did you know,  and he said that he used to own a business so he had to travel through South America. Most people don't know where my country is located at, but what is really fun is that there are people out there who actually knows. It gives me a good feeling and it also makes me proud. :D

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