Saturday, December 8, 2012


Sorry, I don't have a picture for this post, I promise I will upload a few next time. I just want to share my great times in school with you. Being an exchange student makes live even more interesting and adventurous. Sometimes it seems so impossible, but nothing is impossible you can be whatever you want to be, you can go where ever you want to go. You just need to work hard for it, and believe in making it reality. I enjoy school a lot, school is really easy and sometimes it feels like I am not in school, it feels like I am on vacation. Most of my global diplomacy friends say that to. They said that they will enjoy their time being here before they go home because everything will go back to normal and with that they meant school. Every A day in school I sit in the cafeteria with my friends talking about my country, they still aren't done asking questions, sometimes they keep asking the same questions all over again :) because they have a hard time memorising the words and names. On B day I sit with my other friends well we sit on the ground which is different, but fun. I have to split my time with friends, because we all have different lunches. Every Wednesday I stay after school for Apisa, Apisa is a club where we learn about Tunisian dances, food and much more. And we have been practising every Wednesday. One time my body felt soar for 4 days straight, because of the dance practices. The assembly is in 1 week and the coming Wednesday I have to audition, so I have to practise really hard to get accepted. I am also in Glee club, it is a choir. The seventeenth of December my choir group has to give a performance, I already ordered my dress. I am really excited to see it, but I am even more excited for the performance. I can't wait to perform it's gonna be my first time performing in front of an audience, and everything will work out fine. :D

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