Friday, September 14, 2012

Meeting President Obama in real life

What a beautiful new day, time goes by so fast. School is really fun, I always try my best to do well in class. When I came home from school my mom called me and said that my father got VIP ticket to see president Obama. I was so happy I can't explain how happy I was. My father volunteers at the Obama campaign and rewarded with two VIP tickets. Me and my father went to see President Obama, there were so many people standing in line. We didn't stay in line that long 'cause we had VIP tickets. After waiting for several hours it was time for President Obama to give his speech, everyone clapped for him, they want him for four more years. When he was done with his speech he give all the people who were in front a hand, even me. That will be something I will never forget, me seeing President Obama in person and even shook his hand.

1 comment:

  1. What an honor to see the President in real, you're a lucky girl Sue ;)
