Sunday, September 9, 2012


So today is September 9th, my mother's birthday Happy birthday mom, I'm in Las Vegas but I hope you have a great birthday. Okay now today has been very awesome, I went to a Chinese restaurant with my host mom, Nikki, Dina and her little brother. The food was so delicious, the ping pang pong restaurant serves really good food, everybody had fun. After eating, talking and laughing we went to the Alliante park, wow what a beautiful park, all the children were having so much fun, even I did. I played a lot with water because it was so hot. I was all wet but after a few minutes I was dry again because of the heat. I had a great time today thanks to Dina, Nikki, and my host mom Cisca :D.


  1. u never forget how delicious the food is huh :P love yah have FUN :D

  2. Thank u Sue, I had a great day and so did you, but your food looks more delicious than mine :D
