Sunday, September 23, 2012

Girls day out

After one week of school it was finally Saturday, my friends and I were going to meet up at the fashion show mall. My friend Kayla, who lives across my house went with me to the mall, it was time to look for Millicent. Millicent is also an exchange student, she's from Ghana. But the big problem was: how are we going to find Millicent in one HUGE mall. And finally after one hour of searching for Millicent we finally found her. And then it was time for us to shop :D we visited a lot of stores, bought a lot of clothes and had a lot of fun. We walked through the strip, took a lot of pictures. We shoped for six hours, and shopping for six hours is really exhausting, but it was a lot of fun. At six o'clock it was time to say goodbye.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


I woke up at nine yesterday morning because I had to go to an orientation with my host parents. After driving for several minutes we arrived, the orientation was held at Alissa's host family's house. Alissa is also an exchange student from Switzerland, after we introduced ourselves we went upstairs and chatted with each other about our experience these past three weeks. At 11.30 the other exchange students arrived, and we started talking to each other. At the orientation we talked about the different cultures, how to be a lovely exchange student and much more. What I really liked was that we talked about our difficulties as exchange student and we all came with solutions to help each other. My host mom Cisca volunteers at YFU and she also gave us good advise. I will never forget this day, It was nice meeting different people.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Meeting President Obama in real life

What a beautiful new day, time goes by so fast. School is really fun, I always try my best to do well in class. When I came home from school my mom called me and said that my father got VIP ticket to see president Obama. I was so happy I can't explain how happy I was. My father volunteers at the Obama campaign and rewarded with two VIP tickets. Me and my father went to see President Obama, there were so many people standing in line. We didn't stay in line that long 'cause we had VIP tickets. After waiting for several hours it was time for President Obama to give his speech, everyone clapped for him, they want him for four more years. When he was done with his speech he give all the people who were in front a hand, even me. That will be something I will never forget, me seeing President Obama in person and even shook his hand.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


So today is September 9th, my mother's birthday Happy birthday mom, I'm in Las Vegas but I hope you have a great birthday. Okay now today has been very awesome, I went to a Chinese restaurant with my host mom, Nikki, Dina and her little brother. The food was so delicious, the ping pang pong restaurant serves really good food, everybody had fun. After eating, talking and laughing we went to the Alliante park, wow what a beautiful park, all the children were having so much fun, even I did. I played a lot with water because it was so hot. I was all wet but after a few minutes I was dry again because of the heat. I had a great time today thanks to Dina, Nikki, and my host mom Cisca :D.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Wake up, take a bath, and of to school, everyday is an exciting day for me. So much to learn and so many new people to meet, nothing is better than friendship. I made a lot of new friends in these past two weeks and I have been to so many amazing places. Yesterday I went to an Obama watching party with my host parents, so another chance for me to meet new people. And indeed I met a few people there and they were all so nice to me and a chinese woman thought that I was a chinese girl, cause my name is chinese :D I must say they were very nice people and the food was also delecious :p. I had a great time at the watching party and I really enjoyed the democratic national convention.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


First time arrived in Las Vegas everything was so hard for me, but now everything is working out not just because I've been here for 2 weeks, but because I never give up I always try and keep on trying. My host parents are really nice people and I must say I feel really safe, they have taken me to a lot of places and I had a lot of fun with them. Legacy high school is really crowded there are 2900 students at Legacy: that's a lot compared to my old school in Suriname. I met so many people and made a lot of friends, I'm still trying to get used to the language, but everything is working out right. Now that I'm here in Vegas I must say, I have eaten a lot of BURGERS :D they are really delicious :D. Today is Thursday again, time passes so fast before you know it, it is time to go home again. So I'm trying to make this the best experience ever.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Every time I go to sleep I say to myself that I can do it, this is what I want, this is what I chose for and I must tell you it does make me feel better and it gives me the courage to go further and to discover things I haven't discovered yet. Then it was time for me to wake up and go to the Red Rock Canyon with my host parents I couldn't believe my eyes, all the beautiful mountains everything was so beautiful I didn't even had an idea that I would see the red rock canyon someday and guess what today I got the chance to see it and it was so beautiful I can't describe it in words it was such an amazing day for me and after all the sight-seeing we went for lunch at fat burgers and then we went home and I did my homework it was such a wonderful day. Thanks to my host parents.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


After a long night of sleep and after washing some clothes it was time for me to take my camera and go to the spring valley preserve with my host family. So and again it was something new for me, so many things to discover. I got to see how Las Vegas became a city, how much water people in Las Vegas use in one year and so much more. I must say I had a really great time at the spring valley preserve I can't wait to discover so much more :D
After the spring preserve we went to the supermarket to buy some things for dinner today, we will have dinner at a friend of my host parents so we will also go for a swim :D so funny huh :p to be honest I can't swim but yeah I will try I can also play in the pool.



So I have to tell you that I got the change to go to the obama rally with my host parents. It was something new to discover, all the people who are supporting President Obama. I had a really great time and the food was great to :D. I also had the chance to meet Alfre Woodard a really famous actrice of America it was such an honor meeting her(see the picture above).