Friday, February 8, 2013


Hey everyone how are all of you doing. It's been a while since I have kept you updated. First I want to let you all know that everything is perfectly fine, everything is how it's suppose to be going. So what all of you are familiar with is that I am here to keep you and well myself updated with everything I have been experiencing. Two weeks ago I had a sleepover at my friends house. Her name is Minica, a really nice girl. I am so happy to be able to become friends with her. We did a lot of fun things together like singing, painting our nails, making music videos and much more ahahah when I think back at those funny and crazy things we did, I can't hold myself from laughing. Then she came with the idea for remaking the video of Taylor Swift, it was so funny. But what is important is that we had a really great time together. I am doing really great in school, but now that I have been transferred from my math class to a senior math class, I am having a little challenge, which is really beneficial. I am learning a lot in that class everyone is like you are a sophomore what are you doing here ahaha and we all started laughing. I really like my new math class. I am actually studying for the first time. So today I had a little snack party in school for my apisa club, we ate hawaiien style popcorn en fruit mix. I have to tell you that it is really delicious. I couldn't stop eating. I actually gained 12 pounds of weight, ever sinds I got here I have been eating a lot more than what I expected. My host mom told me that when I get home my family won't recognize me anymore because of all the portions of food I have been eating lately hihiih :). Just to share something funny: in my choir class I am a soprano singer, so now we are practising this new song and it is really difficult. I  asked my teacher if I could sing as second soprano and then he replied that I can go. He specifically said that I have a soprano one voice. As I tried to sing as a second soprano I kept singing higher than the second sopranos. My teacher told me directly to be a first soprano again, I started laughing especially because of his facial expressions. My choir teacher told me not to be afraid of letting my voice out. I am really proud of myself, cause I was always afraid of giving it all, now I know that I will give it my all.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Before I came to America I didn't know how to cook, neither how to bake a cake. One day my host mom asked me if I wanted to bake a cake, because she found a really good recipe how to make an apple cake. First I was scared but then I just said to myself to at least try it. I followed the recipes and try to do everything perfect and guess what???, It worked my apple cake came out so beautiful. After the apple cake I also made caramel saus :). I did not just bake one cake, ohw no after a few days I bake 4 more cakes, one with my friend Dina and the other three cakes I baked all by myself, those were lemon cakes. Yum they were really delicious, my family really loved the lemon cake I made. I also send one to my host sister who lives in San Francisco, she and the girls like it a lot. I am so proud of myself :D


Hi there, I know that I haven't been blogging in a while, I was a little busy with school work. I was busy with my semester exams and I am so glad it went very well. Now I am in a harder math class which is called probability and statistics, finally I am having a little challenge because algebra 2 was too easy for me. Lately I have been busy saying goodbye to my friends who are returning to their home country. Alyssa is one of my friends from Switzerland (see picture above), she is returning to her country it was really nice to be friends with her. Alyssa and I loved shopping together at the mall. Just to share something really funny: one day we went shopping and we entered a shoe store, Alyssa and I went crazy because there were so many cute shoes, and you know how we girls are with shoes. But there was only one problem, I am so short and have really small feet and Alyssa is really tall and her feet are bigger then mine so we asked if they had our sizes, and the didn't. We were so disappointed. Last night on January the 25th my host mom, Lisa(my area rep.), Alyssa and I went to dinner in town square. We talked a lot, laughed a lot and we had a lot of fun it was my last time seeing Alyssa before she goes, I will miss you. On Thursday jan the 24th my friend Natalia(see picture below)  had a farewell party, she is going back to Brazil, she doesn't live far from Suriname, so I hope I can see her real soon. I am going to miss you 2 my Brazilian friend. Sometimes it is hard to say goodbye but the friends we made aren't only for America but for a life time.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The last day of school before winter break it was amazing how I could go to my classes on time. Usually it takes me a long time going to class because of how crowded Legacy high school is. Especially bumbing into others, that's what keeps me from getting in class on time. But the last day of school it was an exception, there were over a thousand students absent, can you believe that??, cause I couldn't. It was the first time I experienced so many students absent, but I didn't really care for that because I was so excited. The reason I was excited was because I had to perform at the assembly, me and my apisa dance team had to dance. I was so excited it was my first time performing at assemblies. Assemblies have been one of my favorite activities in school, but dancing in front of so many students made me a little nervous. But then again I overcame my fear :) and I had a really great time I enjoyed every second of my performance. After school me and my host parents drove to Los Angeles and we stayed at a hotel for two days, and right outside our hotel room there was an Indian wedding which was so nice. The one thing I really liked were all those beautiful colors. After staying two days in LA we drove to San Francisco. I stayed at my host sisters house for the holidays, it was really fun I had the best times with her daughters and also with her. During Christmas I had such a great time with my family, I felt their warmth around me and I really felt I was part of the family, everyone was so happy and cheerful, and guess what we had for our Christmas's dinner :). We had rotie for dinner, I made the rotie and my host mom cooked the curry chicken and the beans and we ate it with a little sambel. The next day I showed my sister how to make rotie so now she knows, the whole family loves it, which I am proud of :). I have seen a lot of San Francisco and I went to the academy of science where I went to see really amazing things. I took pictures but yeah I don't even wanna say it, I deleted those pictures by accident but there is nothing I could do so that's why I am sharing it with you so you can have a vision of what I did over winter break. New years eve was really fun, we had game night, so everyone had to come up with a game. It was really nice we all had a splendid time. SO yeah this is kind of what I have been through. I will keep you updated but goodbye for now and be patient for another blog :D

Tuesday, December 18, 2012



Well to tell all of you the truth before I came to America I have never been to a buffet before. My first time going almost made me crazy, really I am telling the truth. My host parents, Miles and Nikki and I met each other at the Bilagio. The buffet was held over there, we had to stand in a really long line. There were all kinds of people there, there were Chinese people, Mexicans and a lot more. Everyone was standing in line ready to eat. When we finally got in I saw a lot of people, but mostly a lot of FOOD, you could eat as much as you want, how many times you want. Everything was really delicious. My host brother Miles told me to taste a little bit of everything. I have to say I ate a lot that day I was so stuffed. And yes I had a good night sleep after that :)



The one thing I really like about Legacy high school is that besides all those math, chemistry and all the other hard classes you can also join a class of your choice. Whether it is a dancing class or a guitar class or even a singing class. So the class of my choice is Glee class. Glee class is all about singing, it is a choir class. In glee class I feel really comfortable and myself, there are only girls in my glee class, because it is girls choir. Everyone treat each other like sisters which is a really nice thing. After practicing Christmas songs for the past six months we finally had a concert. The concert was on December 17th. It was such a wonderful evening, everyone dressed up in their dresses, ready to go on stage, even I was pretty excited. I was really nervous at first, but when we started singing is wouldn't stop I wanted to continue singing, it was my first time on stage and now I get why people say that going on stage to perform is a great thing, now I am looking forward to be going on stage often. Hopefully we will have a another concert really soon. THE GIRLS CHOIR ROCK :D

Thursday, December 13, 2012



Sometimes when you look at your life and when you ask yourself what your thankful for, you don't even know. But why look so far when the answer is right in front of you, be thankful for everything you have now. I am really thankful for everything I have, for all the people in my life, who are there for me, all the people you meet and everything and everyone you will meet in the future. Who knew I would ever meet the President of America and who knew I would meet the Mayor of Las Vegas, who knew that I would ever be in the United States. I am thankful for everything in my life and all the people in it. I would like to thank Valerie who made it possible for me and Youseff to meet the Mayor. On Monday the 10th of December, Youseff and I had the chance to meet the Mayor, Mrs Carolyn Goodman. We went to her office, Lora who works there showed us around and it was beautiful op there, especially her office. The Mayor wasn't there, because she had to be downtown to light up the Christmas tree. But instead she gave Youseff and I a certificate, which was really nice of her. After seeing her office we also went downtown to see her lighting the Christmas tree, but yes finally Youseff and I took a picture with her. It was an amazing day, I had a lot of fun, but what wasn't fun was that I couldn't sleep that night. I was too excited to fall asleep :D