Friday, February 8, 2013


Hey everyone how are all of you doing. It's been a while since I have kept you updated. First I want to let you all know that everything is perfectly fine, everything is how it's suppose to be going. So what all of you are familiar with is that I am here to keep you and well myself updated with everything I have been experiencing. Two weeks ago I had a sleepover at my friends house. Her name is Minica, a really nice girl. I am so happy to be able to become friends with her. We did a lot of fun things together like singing, painting our nails, making music videos and much more ahahah when I think back at those funny and crazy things we did, I can't hold myself from laughing. Then she came with the idea for remaking the video of Taylor Swift, it was so funny. But what is important is that we had a really great time together. I am doing really great in school, but now that I have been transferred from my math class to a senior math class, I am having a little challenge, which is really beneficial. I am learning a lot in that class everyone is like you are a sophomore what are you doing here ahaha and we all started laughing. I really like my new math class. I am actually studying for the first time. So today I had a little snack party in school for my apisa club, we ate hawaiien style popcorn en fruit mix. I have to tell you that it is really delicious. I couldn't stop eating. I actually gained 12 pounds of weight, ever sinds I got here I have been eating a lot more than what I expected. My host mom told me that when I get home my family won't recognize me anymore because of all the portions of food I have been eating lately hihiih :). Just to share something funny: in my choir class I am a soprano singer, so now we are practising this new song and it is really difficult. I  asked my teacher if I could sing as second soprano and then he replied that I can go. He specifically said that I have a soprano one voice. As I tried to sing as a second soprano I kept singing higher than the second sopranos. My teacher told me directly to be a first soprano again, I started laughing especially because of his facial expressions. My choir teacher told me not to be afraid of letting my voice out. I am really proud of myself, cause I was always afraid of giving it all, now I know that I will give it my all.

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