Saturday, January 26, 2013


Before I came to America I didn't know how to cook, neither how to bake a cake. One day my host mom asked me if I wanted to bake a cake, because she found a really good recipe how to make an apple cake. First I was scared but then I just said to myself to at least try it. I followed the recipes and try to do everything perfect and guess what???, It worked my apple cake came out so beautiful. After the apple cake I also made caramel saus :). I did not just bake one cake, ohw no after a few days I bake 4 more cakes, one with my friend Dina and the other three cakes I baked all by myself, those were lemon cakes. Yum they were really delicious, my family really loved the lemon cake I made. I also send one to my host sister who lives in San Francisco, she and the girls like it a lot. I am so proud of myself :D

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