Saturday, January 26, 2013


Hi there, I know that I haven't been blogging in a while, I was a little busy with school work. I was busy with my semester exams and I am so glad it went very well. Now I am in a harder math class which is called probability and statistics, finally I am having a little challenge because algebra 2 was too easy for me. Lately I have been busy saying goodbye to my friends who are returning to their home country. Alyssa is one of my friends from Switzerland (see picture above), she is returning to her country it was really nice to be friends with her. Alyssa and I loved shopping together at the mall. Just to share something really funny: one day we went shopping and we entered a shoe store, Alyssa and I went crazy because there were so many cute shoes, and you know how we girls are with shoes. But there was only one problem, I am so short and have really small feet and Alyssa is really tall and her feet are bigger then mine so we asked if they had our sizes, and the didn't. We were so disappointed. Last night on January the 25th my host mom, Lisa(my area rep.), Alyssa and I went to dinner in town square. We talked a lot, laughed a lot and we had a lot of fun it was my last time seeing Alyssa before she goes, I will miss you. On Thursday jan the 24th my friend Natalia(see picture below)  had a farewell party, she is going back to Brazil, she doesn't live far from Suriname, so I hope I can see her real soon. I am going to miss you 2 my Brazilian friend. Sometimes it is hard to say goodbye but the friends we made aren't only for America but for a life time.