Saturday, October 6, 2012


Last weekend I went to San Francisco with my host family, we went by car. It was a nine hour drive, it was really fun. I had to stay with my host mom's daughter Lisa and her four granddaughters. They were all so nice and I had a really great time being with them. On Friday I went with Sela to her dance classes, she had ballet and African dance, I also met all of her friends who were really nice to me. The weather in San Francisco is really different than the weather in Las Vegas. When I first got to San Francisco I was really freezing it was really different. On Saturday I did a little of sightseeing with the girls and my host parents which was really fun. After that we went to a festival where Selah had to perform. There were a lot of people and different kind of dances. On Sunday I had to go back to Las Vegas, cause Monday I had school. On Wednesday I began with my apisa club, I learned how to do the Hawaiian dance, which was a little difficult but it was really fun, I met new people, and they were excited when I told them that I was a foreign exchange. When I got home that day my hips were hurting, I think I need to do a lot more of practicing with the dance. This past week was really fun and I got to experience new things.

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