Saturday, October 13, 2012


Yesterday was my first day volunteering at the Apisa carnival booth for the homecoming  football game at Legacy high school. Me and the other students had to cook food for the carnival. We made spam musubi, a Hawaiian dish and we made lemonade. At 4.30 we sold it at the carnival where everyone bought it and tried it, they said it was very delicious. At 7 o'clock I met my friends to go to my first football game at legacy. It was really cold that my dad had to bring my jacket for me, it was crowded, cheerleaders were cheering, people were screaming. Even I did make a lot of noise: GO LONGHORNS. My friends were really excited to have a foreigner as their friend and they were really glad that we went to the game together. It was really fun and just in cause you were wondering who fun the game, well the legacy longhorns won with 41 to nothing. :D GO LEGACY LONGHORNS

1 comment:

  1. hey huney nice friends , they must have FUN being with cause u can be really crazy hahah which we like of u . u're so likable aswell. u just saw football live. cool !!! when i first read the title i thought u were playing the football, what a shock I had :P haha love u mucho mucho mucho ..
