Saturday, October 13, 2012


Yesterday was my first day volunteering at the Apisa carnival booth for the homecoming  football game at Legacy high school. Me and the other students had to cook food for the carnival. We made spam musubi, a Hawaiian dish and we made lemonade. At 4.30 we sold it at the carnival where everyone bought it and tried it, they said it was very delicious. At 7 o'clock I met my friends to go to my first football game at legacy. It was really cold that my dad had to bring my jacket for me, it was crowded, cheerleaders were cheering, people were screaming. Even I did make a lot of noise: GO LONGHORNS. My friends were really excited to have a foreigner as their friend and they were really glad that we went to the game together. It was really fun and just in cause you were wondering who fun the game, well the legacy longhorns won with 41 to nothing. :D GO LEGACY LONGHORNS

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Last weekend I went to San Francisco with my host family, we went by car. It was a nine hour drive, it was really fun. I had to stay with my host mom's daughter Lisa and her four granddaughters. They were all so nice and I had a really great time being with them. On Friday I went with Sela to her dance classes, she had ballet and African dance, I also met all of her friends who were really nice to me. The weather in San Francisco is really different than the weather in Las Vegas. When I first got to San Francisco I was really freezing it was really different. On Saturday I did a little of sightseeing with the girls and my host parents which was really fun. After that we went to a festival where Selah had to perform. There were a lot of people and different kind of dances. On Sunday I had to go back to Las Vegas, cause Monday I had school. On Wednesday I began with my apisa club, I learned how to do the Hawaiian dance, which was a little difficult but it was really fun, I met new people, and they were excited when I told them that I was a foreign exchange. When I got home that day my hips were hurting, I think I need to do a lot more of practicing with the dance. This past week was really fun and I got to experience new things.