Thursday, August 30, 2012


Today was my first day of school, getting there was not easy, the day I arrived we immediately went to the school to register only to discover that my immunization was not up to date. I learned that I had to get 5 more shots, oh no. The next morning we got up early to get in a long line, for two long hours I waited to get the much dreaded shots. Babies crying, impatient kids running around and grumpy adults did little to make the time go by faster. When I finally got to the front of the line I was greeted by two very nice nurses, they each gave me 2 shots in both arms and then one final shot and I was free to go.
Unfortunately, I was not able to go to school until the following Tuesday because the school did not take regisration on the firs day at school. But that was ok, as I got to hang out with my new friend Dina.
Here I am on my first day of school, what an experience, our school has 2900 students it is almost like a small city. I was fortunate to get some really good classes, Chemistry, Algebra 2, Global Diplomacy, PE, English, World History and my favorite class, Glee club where I get to sing with other students.\Some of my classes are very easy, other classes a little tougher and will require more work but I know I can do well.
Tomorrow will be the end of my first week, it seems like the time is flying by, I am looking forward to the week-end because it is the beginning of the Labor week-end a 3 day American holiday at the end of summer. \
Well I am tired now, which I seem to be everyday while getting used to the time change and new envirionment so I will write more later 


  1. We know you can do well at school, so proud of you.

    1. Yes I know I can I will do everything I can :D

  2. Hey u joined glee club nice work hun. we know you are strong and that u can do it :D i heard u've gone on a high level good work. told yah u could sing :D
