Friday, August 31, 2012


So and then it was time for me to go to school I can't describe how excited I was, my first day at Legacy High School how will it be. So to be honest it went pretty well, I met new people, new stories to tell them and it was really great to see how excited they were to hear stories about Suriname, some were interested some of them weren't but it was worth the shot. On my first day I bought food at school, but I didn't like it that much so from now on I bring my own lunch to school. At global diplomacy I got the chance to meet other exchange students so I had lunch with two of them 1 from China and 1 from Taiwan (see the picture above). We had a great time at lunch, we talked about our countries and about the food, they also didn't like it that much so they also bring their own lunch to school.


After one week of settling in, adjusting and getting over homesickness I finally beginning to feel that I can do this and with a little more hard work everything will work out very well. Now I'm starting to feel very comfortable with my host family and the friends I got to meet this week. Today I had so much fun at my Glee Club where I and all the other students had to sing a song, at Global Diplomacy I had the change to meet other Exchange students from different countries and I also made friends with two other girls from PE class. Now that I got to know so much other people I finally found myself and there are so many things for me to discover, I can't wait to discover them all :D

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Today was my first day of school, getting there was not easy, the day I arrived we immediately went to the school to register only to discover that my immunization was not up to date. I learned that I had to get 5 more shots, oh no. The next morning we got up early to get in a long line, for two long hours I waited to get the much dreaded shots. Babies crying, impatient kids running around and grumpy adults did little to make the time go by faster. When I finally got to the front of the line I was greeted by two very nice nurses, they each gave me 2 shots in both arms and then one final shot and I was free to go.
Unfortunately, I was not able to go to school until the following Tuesday because the school did not take regisration on the firs day at school. But that was ok, as I got to hang out with my new friend Dina.
Here I am on my first day of school, what an experience, our school has 2900 students it is almost like a small city. I was fortunate to get some really good classes, Chemistry, Algebra 2, Global Diplomacy, PE, English, World History and my favorite class, Glee club where I get to sing with other students.\Some of my classes are very easy, other classes a little tougher and will require more work but I know I can do well.
Tomorrow will be the end of my first week, it seems like the time is flying by, I am looking forward to the week-end because it is the beginning of the Labor week-end a 3 day American holiday at the end of summer. \
Well I am tired now, which I seem to be everyday while getting used to the time change and new envirionment so I will write more later 


After much planning, packing saying goodbye to friends and family and spending 2days in Washington D.C. I finally ended up in Las Vegas my new home for the next 10 months. I was met by my host parents, Dad (Tom) and Mom ( Cisca) met me at the airport. ( see the photo above and below)
Ir was great to finaly meet them and I was happy to finally settle into my new home and room with my new family.